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Сега се наоѓате во X-ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЈА.
Тука се собрани на куп термини односно имиња на трикови кои се употребуваат во екстремните спортови. Има категорија: MULT, SKT, SNB, BMX, INL, ETC.. да не се објаснуваме многу многу, категориите си се јасни сами по себе :) Бирајте ги термините според почетната буква и можеби ќе ве инспирираат да ги испробате во пракса.

NUMBERS / A-F / G-L / M-R / S-V / W-Z

Word Sport Definition
1080 MULTI The rider rotates 1080 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 1080 degree and lands riding forward.
180 MULTI The rider rotates 180 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 180 degree and lands riding forward.
360 MULTI The rider rotates 360 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 360 degree and lands riding forward.
360 degree cap construction MULTI Cap construction that not only goes along the sides of the board but extends completely around the board including the tip and tail.
5-0 grind SKT Type of grind where just the back truck is grinding.
540 MULTI The rider rotates 540 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 540 degree and lands riding forward.
720 MULTI Two 360s forward or backward.
720 MULTI The rider rotates 720 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 720 degree and lands riding forward.
900 MULTI The rider rotates 900 degree in the air and lands riding fakie. In the halfpipe, the rider approaches the wall riding forward, rotates 900 degree and lands riding forward.
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